Upward & Onward Jacksonville, Inc. is a non-profit organization that is committed to providing social services to individuals in the community with a special emphasis on youth & young adults at-risk to homelessness. In order to make a change, it is important to take proactive steps and support our teens in Jacksonville, Florida to ensure a successful transition into adulthood. Currently, we offer two programs that meet the social, emotional, and advancement needs of underserved youth and young adults.

Did you know?

There is a connection with justice-involved youth and it's impact on adulthood which increases the chances of experiencing homelessness.

Our Commitment

To empower and ensure the well-being of marginalized youth & young adults at-risk to homelessness through wrap-around support services.

Enriching Young Minds (EYM)

Enriching Young Minds (EYM) program provides emotional and social support for teens who are in secure detention with little or no outside support and need a sponsor. On a biweekly basis we participate in social eating/meal sharing, playing games, and engaging in youth-led discussions inside the Duval County Juvenile Detention Center. No agenda, just spending quality time with youth. Many youth have little support while others have families who cannot afford the expense. Research states, “youth entering juvenile detention have been disadvantaged by poverty and lack of resources, and more than 70% have mental health disorders.” Help us by sponsoring a teen who has limited or no outside support. Click donate now to learn how you can make a difference!

R.I.C.H. Connect

(Rich in Confidence & Hope)

R.I.C.H. Connect offers underserved youth, ages 13-17 and young adults 18-24 who are in secure detention and in the community with workforce readiness skills which includes resume building, goal setting, application practice, interviewing, money management, and various soft employment skills. We are preparing individuals for the opportunity to connect with community partners once released and to bridge the gap to encourage success with individuals facing barriers. Data shows that “most juvenile correctional agencies lack the partnerships needed to help incarcerated youth overcome barriers to obtaining viable employment in the community.” Our goal is to connect youth and young adults to second chance opportunities, community service providers, and consistent transportation to satisfy court responsibility.

Re-engagement Center

We are taking the necessary steps to provide a day drop-in resource hub for youth and young adults. Individuals are able to obtain educational support, workforce services, basic needs such as showering and meals, behavioral health support, and housing assistance.

Transitional Housing

We are diligently working to offer a safe and stable living environment for young adult males released from juvenile commitment programs and males aging out of the foster care system who are at-risk to homelessness. Our program prepares individuals for self-sufficiency to transition into independence following the success of life skills support, money management, employment assistance, and personal health needs.

Our Vision

To create a community where youth can flourish into adulthood.

We Welcome Passionate Partners That Align With Our Vision.

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501(c)(3) organization. EIN # 92-3864279.

No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution.

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